I like to read, and sometimes I like to write about the things that I read. I think writing is a powerful medium of communication. Writing is everywhere. Leaving someone a note, writing an email or an SMS, a comment on YouTube, the laws we legislate, the jobs we apply for, the textbooks we study and the religious texts that we use to worship and come together, or go to war over. All spread with writing. This is why I want to get better at writing. It is such an important form of communication, I may not write the next law or the next bible, but I do write notes to myself, I do share ideas in responses to posts on X, I do write comments in my code. I want to get better at all these things. I think this is important. My [[Current Focus]] page will tell you what I am currently working on, if you would like to get in touch then please feel free to DM me on X.\ If some links are broken or do not work on this website it just means that that thought was not finished. Something inside me made me make that link, but I choose not to write more. I think that's ok. Just some [[Broken Links]] you know? If it really bugs you tell me about it on X. --- ## Why writing about myself is hard? I think this is an easy thing to understand. When you write and share things, that takes some effort, but it is not the effort that makes it hard, it is that fact that we are not perfect, and when we write about ourselves we will quickly run out of content of all the great things we have done, and in my case I honestly cannot think of any. That doesn't mean that I haven't done any great things, I know I have, I just cannot think of them. Not that I cannot *remember them*. I know and can remember all the great things I have done. Thinking about them is different. Holding it in your mind and dedicating attention to it is hard. Why is it hard? because I cannot think of all the great things I have done without also bringing to mind all the shameful things I have done. Things I did without much thought. Acting in anger, in haste on tasks that should be done with care. Thinking about these bad things I have done is unpleasant, you cannot write about anything without thinking about it and t=so when we avoid thinking about the bad, we cannot think about the good, and so then less Doing happens. The way out of this is to just do more, and make it good, so you have more "good thought fuel" - if that makes any sense. It is like a flywheel and you gotta start somewhere.